Thursday, April 10, 2008

Cinnamon Rolls

So, Keith gave a sermon a few weekends ago regarding Jesus' statement, "I am the bread of life." His message was insightful and practical; inspiring and motivating. In the midst of it, he made reference to cinnamon rolls that I make every now and again. He described them something like this, "My wife makes the best cinnamon rolls ever." He even brought one on stage and enjoyed a big bite in front of everyone. From this moment on, the bar has been set entirely too high. I have a confession. Another one. Not regarding coffee. SHHHH ... I got my recipe online, thanks google ... and, dare I say it, I use my bread machine for the dough!! I absolutely cannot take credit for the best cinnamon rolls ever! I am certain all of the ladies and gentlemen who have challenged me to a cinnamon roll cook-off may be slightly disappointed. They don't even look pretty. Thank you to my wonderful husband who thinks I'm so much better than I really am. Who forgives my shortcomings, and keeps no record of my wrongs. He truly is an example of a Christ-like character. Thank you, Keith, for your love and encouragement. I love you!

PS - don't lose sight of the forest for the trees. Jesus is THE BREAD OF LIFE!! Way more nourishing and satisfying than cinnamon rolls :-). We're talking ETERNITY!!

1 comment:


Babe... you are awesome! You are a hidden secret in this great big/small world. I hope you get discovered and stay a secret.